
Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Preaching from the Pews...

You'll find that these writings don't come from the usual perspective. When most people write about God, they sort of mentally step into the pulpit.

I'm not. I'm writing from my seat in the pew. There are two old ladies that share it with me. I've got the "titter and shuffle" section of the youth group behind us, and there's a family with two impish little boys that usually sit in front.

This is a conscious choice. I have a soapbox, believe me, and it's in a high state of polish. But there are only a few pastors in every church. The rest of us sit and listen and try to use the teachings, and there are precious few words out there about that side of it.

This isn't a big thing in and of itself. There are very few huge pronouncements involved. There are just little tidbits here and there. I figure this topic will have to just come and go as they are found. Here's one to start this off.
Bring Something to write with and something to write on; taking sermon notes not only makes it easier to look up stuff later, just the act of writing it down helps you learn things